Agriculture with Love and Mayan Spirit
+(502) 2439-6984

Welcome to Kampura

Which means “Beautiful Woman” in Miskito, a Caribbean dialect from the coast of Nicaragua.

It all started with an idea born out of love. Our founders wanted a project that reflected how beautiful Mother Nature is and the impact you can have if your actions are based on “love”. This principle is the foundation of our core values. At Kampura, love means to treat our land, our people, our community and our surroundings with kindness.

The farm is located in Izabal, Guatemala, Central America. The name "Guatemala" comes from the Nahuatl word Cuauhtēmallān (nahwiki), or "place of many trees." Guatemala has been heavily deforested and is no longer a place of many trees. In the last 50 years we have lost over half of our natural forests. As a nation, we have forgotten our identity and we are losing our heritage. At Kampura we want to change this and the only way to bring change is to lead by example.

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